
The Effect of Standardized Testing on College Admissions

The Effect of Standardized Testing on College Admissions: An Expert’s Opinion

By John Birney / 07/09/2024

Faculty Frustration with High School Curricula Having spent the majority of my career in enrollment management positions, the question of standardized testing’s impact on college admissions arises more frequently than you might expect. Collegiate faculty often express frustration with high school curricula, particularly the lack of courses that encourage students to think critically or synthesize…

What extracurricular activities do colleges look for?

What extracurricular activities do colleges look for?

By Carla Crooker / 01/05/2024

Understanding the Role of Extracurricular Activities As admissions consultants, we are often asked about the role that extracurricular activities play in the college application process. Many students and parents are under the impression that only traditional activities such as being president of the class or captain of the sports team are important. However, thinking outside…

4 Things to Know Before Applying to a Test-Optional College

4 Things to Know Before Applying to a Test-Optional College

By Haley Artime / 12/08/2023

Did you know that there are over 1,830 colleges and universities that have switched to test-optional over the last few years? According to Forbes, many of these schools did so to help combat the effects of COVID, but as COVID cases have been on a drastic decline schools are standing by this policy for a…

Navigating the stressful world of College Admissions

How to Navigate the Stressful World of College Admissions

By Carla Crooker / 12/01/2023

The college application process can be a stressful and overwhelming experience for both high school students and their parents. However, with the right approach, the process can be made less frustrating and the results more successful with some thoughtful planning. A Quick Guide for Parents and Students Here are a few tips to make navigating…

Key factors for College Preparation

Preparing for College

By Makeda Turner / 11/24/2023

Starting high school can be seen as the first step towards the college educational journey. Although it is an exciting time in the lives of teenagers, it is also a pivotal time to get serious about your academic performance in preparation for the college application process. For some, preparation for college can begin as early…

The Don'ts of College Admissions - What not to do

The Don’ts of College Admissions

By Adriana Diaz-Granados / 11/17/2023

The college application process can be an extremely anxious time for every student. While admissions officers understand that nerves are high, mistakes happen, and the process is confusing, there are some major “don’ts” that can make or break your admission decision. Below, I have added a few tips and tricks to ensure you avoid these…