Exams/Test Prep

The Effect of Standardized Testing on College Admissions

The Effect of Standardized Testing on College Admissions: An Expert’s Opinion

By John Birney / 07/09/2024

Faculty Frustration with High School Curricula Having spent the majority of my career in enrollment management positions, the question of standardized testing’s impact on college admissions arises more frequently than you might expect. Collegiate faculty often express frustration with high school curricula, particularly the lack of courses that encourage students to think critically or synthesize…

Do SATs/ACTs matter for your college application?

Standardized Testing in College Admission

By Jessica Sibbing / 01/11/2024

Debunking the myths To submit testing, or not to submit testing, that is the question on every student’s mind, but how much do colleges even care about standardized scores? Even though most colleges today use a holistic review that considers various factors to determine admission, standardized testing is often still considered to be the greatest…

4 Things to Know Before Applying to a Test-Optional College

4 Things to Know Before Applying to a Test-Optional College

By Haley Artime / 12/08/2023

Did you know that there are over 1,830 colleges and universities that have switched to test-optional over the last few years? According to Forbes, many of these schools did so to help combat the effects of COVID, but as COVID cases have been on a drastic decline schools are standing by this policy for a…

Preparing for the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT)

Preparing for the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT)

By Solomon Team / 06/23/2023

Law School Admissions Test (LSAT) The LSAT is the test required for admission to every law school in the United States. It is a time-intensive test consisting of five sections of multiple-choice questions: logical reasoning (2 sections), analytical reasoning (1 section), reading comprehension (1 section), variable section (unscored), and the writing sample(unscored). You are given…

Is college admissions all about perfect GPA and testing scores?

Is college admissions all about perfect GPA and testing scores?

By Solomon Team / 04/03/2023

No, college admissions is not solely about perfect GPAs and testing. While good grades and high test scores can certainly help, there are many other factors that colleges consider when evaluating applicants. First, it might be helpful to understand the difference between holistic and non-holistic college admissions. Holistic Admissions Holistic college admissions is an approach…

5 Strategies to Develop Good Study Habits

5 Strategies to Develop Good Study Habits

By Solomon Team / 10/18/2022

Do you have a test coming up? A paper due? A big presentation perhaps? No matter what you have on your plate, developing good study habits can be the foundation you need to succeed. The five helpful tips in this article focus on a variety of areas related to your learning. Utilize one, two, or…

Test Optional Trend

Test Optional Trend

By Solomon Team / 10/19/2018

Bowdoin College was the first to offer applicants the option of submitting SAT or ACT scores in 1969, but they were hardly trend setters. It was fifty years later that over 1000 other colleges and universities followed their lead and are now either test optional or “test flexible.” The latest to join the list is…