Makeda Turner

Makeda Turner

Makeda Turner

Former Recruitment Coordinator and Admissions Counselor at the University of Michigan

4 Years in University of Michigan Admissions
1 Year in University of Michigan Architecture & Urban Planning Admissions
4,000+ Applications Read and Evaluated

Dr. Makeda Turner has close to 20 years of experience in higher education, encompassing admissions, academic advising, and instruction. She spent 17 years at the University of Michigan, guiding high-achieving students through college exploration.

Dr. Turner, an Eastern Michigan University alumna, holds a Doctorate of Philosophy in Educational Leadership, a Master of Arts in Educational Leadership & Student Affairs, and a Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing. Her dissertation focused on the experiences of college graduates from a summer bridge program and their subsequent academic and professional achievements.

Key factors for College Preparation

Preparing for College

By Makeda Turner / 11/24/2023

Starting high school can be seen as the first step towards the college educational journey. Although it is an exciting time in the lives of teenagers, it is also a pivotal time to get serious about your academic performance in preparation for the college application process. For some, preparation for college can begin as early…