Frank Sierra

Frank Sierra

Frank Sierra

Former Assistant Director of Admissions at the University of Chicago

2 years in University of Chicago Admissions
3,500+ Applications Read and Evaluated

After graduating with a B.A. in Sociology from the University of Chicago, Frank Sierra joined the University's Office of College Admissions. As an Assistant Director, he recruited students across the Midwest, evaluated over 3,500 applications, facilitated essay writing workshops, and conducted sessions on applying to highly selective universities.

Frank also contributed to the admissions office's marketing efforts by coordinating email communications and developing social media channels. He is passionate about helping students find the right college 'fit' and building applications that reflect their personal journeys.

What should you know before applying to college?

What should you know before applying to college?

By Frank Sierra / 10/13/2023

As you start your college application journey, you may begin to notice that the admissions process is a whirlwind of information. You and your family are expected to understand an everchanging admissions process, understand new terminology, and must understand the intricacies of school-specific requirements. However, it’s important to take a step back and remember why…

How to search for the right college?

How to search for the right college

By Frank Sierra / 09/22/2023

“So… where do you want to go to college?” This question can either send a chill down one’s spine or create a sense of excitement to share their plans. Regardless of one’s reaction, searching for an ideal college can prove to be difficult. The choices are endless, the pressure constantly grows, and soon, they all…