Blog Posts

Is it harder to get into college nowadays?

Is it harder to get into college nowadays?

By Solomon Team / 06/08/2023

With the increasing number of applicants and the high academic standards of colleges, the competition for spots at top institutions is fiercer than ever. But, don’t worry – there are ways to make your application stand out. Here’s what you need to know: Getting into college is a competitive process, but with the right preparation…

2023 College Application Openings

2023 College Application Openings

By Solomon Team / 05/25/2023

The college application season (September-January) can be a stressful time as seniors are juggling classes, essay writing, testing, and asking for recommendation letters. A big part of this stress is meeting each of your college’s strict deadlines in the middle of midterms and finals. This is why getting organized early can help alleviate some of…

Do MOOCs and Other Online Courses Impact College Admission?

Do MOOCs and Other Online Courses Impact College Admission?

By Solomon Team / 05/20/2023

MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), have been available since 2012, with edX and Coursera being the most widely known. They’re an excellent way to learn about any possible topic from history, science, language, and many STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) and CS (computer science) courses. Here are some of the benefits of attending a…

Factors to Consider When Navigating the College Search

Factors to Consider When Navigating the College Search

By Solomon Team / 05/11/2023

The college search process can immediately feel overwhelming with close to 5,000 colleges and universities in the U.S.! Since this is your first time exploring college options, you are likely unsure of what factors you should even be considering. Spend some time thinking about what you want the most out of your college experience. The…

Are SAT and ACT Relevant for College Admissions

Are the SAT and ACT Still Relevant for College Admissions?

By Solomon Team / 05/04/2023

Understanding the Pros and Cons For decades, the SAT and ACT have been a staple in the college admissions process. However, in recent years, there has been debate about whether these standardized tests are still relevant in today’s college admissions landscape. Here’s what you need to know: Pros of the SAT and ACT: Cons of…

How Many Colleges Can I Apply to on the Common Application?

How Many Colleges Can I Apply to on the Common Application?

By Solomon Team / 04/26/2023

The Common Application, a college application service first created in 1975, has helped billions of eager high school, transfer, and adult students take the first step to reach their educational goals. What first started out as a paper booklet designed to streamline the college application process has grown into a modernized online platform. The founders…

How To Ask For A Counselor Recommendation

How To Ask For A Counselor Recommendation

By Solomon Team / 04/20/2023

Among the many pieces of a college application is the Counselor Recommendation. While your transcripts and essays are among the most important parts of the application, what your counselor shares in their recommendation plays a significant role in putting your high school performance, activities, and experiences into perspective. Follow these steps to ensure you make…

How High School Counselors Help Students Navigate the College Admissions Process

How High School Counselors Help Students Navigate the College Admissions Process

By Solomon Team / 04/12/2023

There are many moving parts to the college admissions process, yet most students and families don’t understand the integral role their high school counselor plays. High school counselors can help students with the college admissions process in a number of ways. Here are some of the main ways they can assist students: Providing Information: Many…

Is college admissions all about perfect GPA and testing scores?

Is college admissions all about perfect GPA and testing scores?

By Solomon Team / 04/03/2023

No, college admissions is not solely about perfect GPAs and testing. While good grades and high test scores can certainly help, there are many other factors that colleges consider when evaluating applicants. First, it might be helpful to understand the difference between holistic and non-holistic college admissions. Holistic Admissions Holistic college admissions is an approach…

Fitting in as an Older College Student

Fitting in as an Older College Student

By Solomon Team / 03/29/2023

According to the Department of Education, enrolled adults ages 20-34 are usually in college or graduate school, and young adults ages 18-19 are typically transitioning to college education. Attending college can be challenging for anyone despite their age, however, it can be even more challenging for an older student. There are some challenges to consider…