Building good study habits takes patience. Good study habits include studying in a quiet place (bedroom, library), taking study breaks, organization, and seeking academic tutoring. Studying is sometimes the last thing students want to do as they already have so much on their plates. Some students have a rigorous academic curriculum, conduct leadership in their student organization, or an avid student-athlete. If you are a student trying to develop good study habits or provide your study habits, remember, it is not a race. Be kind to yourself and set realistic goals for yourself.
Goals for Good Study Habits
According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the term habit is defined as “a behavior pattern acquired by frequent repetition or physiologic exposure that shows itself in regularity or increased facility of performance.” If you are a student trying to build good study habits, it is encouraged to take one step at a time. The famous saying goes, “Rome wasn’t built in a day.”
Here are goals for students on how to build good study habits:
Don’t tackle everything at once. Students will only hurt themselves mentally if they plan to cram all of their assignments at once. Identify what assignment or course the student finds more difficult first as it will take more time and more effort to work on. Once the student finds the most challenging task, they should organize the rest of their study from “Most difficult” to “Least difficult.” When students work on one assignment at once, they are less likely to stress.
Take study breaks. Recent studies have shown when students are studying for around 50 minutes; they should give themselves a 10-to-15-minute study break. When used effectively, students can retain more information in their study period. Some examples students can do in their study break can be:
- Take a short walk around your home
- Meditate
- Stretch
- Eat a quick snack with water
- Use the restroom
- Listen to Lo-fi or meditating music
- Take a quick shower
Although checking social media can be tempting, it is recommended that students avoid their phones as they can get easily distracted.
Avoid procrastination and plan a schedule. Students should avoid procrastination as it is shown that their study habits and skills are less effective, and they may not be able to get all of their tasks completed in time. In addition, students tend to rush when they procrastinate and are more likely to make errors in their assignments.
Students are encouraged to plan a daily study schedule that fits best for them. Students can plan their schedules by purchasing a physical planner or downloading a digital planner for their laptop or tablet. Students who are more organized and write down daily tasks are less likely to procrastinate than their peers who do not have a planner.
Seek tutoring and set study goals. College admission consultants encourage students to seek tutoring to succeed in their high school courses. Ask your teacher to clarify a homework assignment or your exam results. Seeking tutoring includes ACT and SAT tutoring. Students who seek test tutoring are more likely to increase their test scores. Do not be shy to ask for help. Summit Prep specializes in excellent and private personal tutoring if your student needs ACT or SAT tutoring.
Minimize distractions. When students regularly practice strong study habits, they are less likely to get distracted as they are more concentrated on their studies. To avoid distractions, students should consider the following:
- Study in a quiet location; preferably in their bedroom
- Do not check your phone while you are studying; turn off notifications
- Don’t get off topic; stick with one subject at a time
- Refrain from using the internet other if it is not part of your study routine
- Stick with your study plan
Take care of yourself mentally and physically. You are only human. Students are encouraged to set a regular sleep schedule with at least 7-8 hours of sleep; eat a healthy diet consisting of healthy carbohydrates, protein, fruits, and vegetables; regular exercise; and take care of their mental health. When you take care of your body, you will be able to tackle your daily tasks with ease and confidence.
Solomon Admissions is Here to Assist
If your child is having a difficult time setting study habits and needs assistance, Solomon Admission Consulting provides exceptional knowledge and guidance to assist families and students for academic success. If you have any questions or would like to inquire more, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
All of our blog posts are written by Former College Admission Officers who serve as members of our admission consultant team.