Finding The Right College Fit

Choosing to attend a college or university is a big decision, and it is essential to look beyond the numbers when deciding where you will spend the next four years. Our consultants encourage students to look at each institution's composition and character and to explore where their interests and passions can best be developed.

We Empower Students with Choosing The Best Fit

We at Solomon Admissions Consulting believe that the college search should not be limited to looking at published rankings and college reputations. We believe that every student should choose for himself which college would be his best fit.

Our job is to help in that search and to maximize the information available to the student and his family. We encourage each student to explore what fields of study he would like to pursue in college, what extracurricular activities he would like to undertake, and what overall environment would be the best match for his college development.

All of our consultants are former admissions officers and they advise students on the differences between the various colleges and universities. They consult on school size, location, campus life, course offerings, research opportunities, school athletics, cost, and a myriad of other factors. Based on their many years of professional experience, our consultants understand that the better the match is between the student and the college, the more likely it is that the student will be excited about his college education and will push himself to excel both in and outside of the classroom.

In addition, our consultants counsel students as to each institution's culture and college environment. We also highly recommend that each student visit at least three of his target schools, since seeing a college campus on a busy day can be worth a thousand words.

Regardless of a student's academic achievements or his extracurricular activities, we are confident that we will find the best college match for your student.

Have a Question? Contact Us

We invite you to speak with one of our admission strategists to discuss your student's dreams and aspirations. Please give us a call or fill out our contact form.