The Solomon Admissions Summer Research Program

Embark on a transformative journey this summer with Solomon Admissions’ Summer Research Program for high school students or even undergraduates. This program is meticulously designed to offer high school students a unique opportunity to dive deep into academic research under the guidance of experienced PhD-level advisors, all within the summer months that might not necessarily contribute too much academically without such a proactive choice.

Why Choose Our Summer Research Program?

Our Summer Research Program stands out for its commitment to fostering intellectual curiosity and academic excellence among high school students. Participants will engage in a 10-week intensive research project, receiving one-on-one mentorship and producing a college-level research paper that not only reflects their hard work and dedication but significantly boosts their college admission prospects.

Our Summer Research Program Details

The program unfolds over 10 weeks, during which students are paired with a dedicated PhD research advisor. This pairing facilitates a close working relationship where students receive individualized attention and guidance as they navigate through the process of crafting a college-level research paper. The online format of the program allows participants to conduct their research from anywhere, providing flexibility and convenience.

Who Can Apply?

Enrollment in the Summer Research Program is open to all high school students who concurrently sign up for a college admissions coaching package with Solomon Admissions. Our team meticulously reviews each student’s transcript and testing results to ensure the program is the right fit for them.

Dive into Diverse Research Topics

With over 30 different academic disciplines to choose from, students have the freedom to pursue research in a field that truly excites and inspires them. From natural sciences and engineering to social sciences, business, and the humanities, the possibilities are endless.

How to Apply

Embarking on your summer research journey is just a few clicks away. Simply fill out our application form, and our team will get back to you within 24 hours to schedule a consultation. If you have any questions or need further clarification, our dedicated team is always here to assist you.

Summer Research Program FAQs

Have more questions? We have answers! Check out our comprehensive FAQ section where we address common queries about our research program. For any other concerns or specific inquiries, feel free to reach out to us directly.

Benefits of Participating in a Summer Research Program

Summer is an ideal time for students to immerse themselves in research without the distractions of the regular school year. The program’s summer edition offers students the advantage of dedicating their full attention to the research project, thereby allowing for a more in-depth and focused exploration of their chosen academic discipline. Furthermore, participation in our summer program can help to quadruple students’ chances of gaining admission into elite colleges.

Unlock the Doors to Academic Excellence

As we wrap up, consider this: the High School Summer Research Program is more than just a learning opportunity; it’s your ticket to academic excellence and a standout college application. With personalized mentorship, a wide array of research topics, and the chance to produce a college-level research paper, there’s no limit to what you can achieve this summer.

Sign Up for Our Summer Research Program Today

Don’t let this summer pass you by without taking advantage of this unparalleled opportunity. Apply now to the Solomon Admissions High School Summer Research Program and set the stage for a summer of learning, discovery, and academic achievement. Your journey towards excellence begins today!

Have a Question? Contact Us

We invite you to speak with one of our admission strategists to discuss your student's dreams and aspirations. Please give us a call or fill out our contact form.